Thursday, July 23, 2009

Giving Birther to the New GOP

What does the GOP have to gain from their support of the Birthers? Liz Cheney, Sen. Selby, G. Gordon Liddy, the Junky Radio Host, Lou Dobbs (not a Repub.) and many more either espouse this stupid theory or give it a wink and a nod. Six members of the House have introduced legislation requiring all future presidential candidates to produce a legal birth certificate. They say it has nothing to do with the Birthers but it is important for the future. Please.

Do they really think that saying the world is flat is going to help them win elections? I am here to tell you that even if the President is not as popular next year the American voters will remember that these loons in control of the GOP believed this non issue or were cynical enough to play to it. I am convinced that this will give the average voter enough pause and force them to question the sanity and intelligence of the GOP and vote Democratic again.

If the President is at least as popular as he is now next November the Republicans are doomed for a generation. Part of Obama's mandate was change from this type of weird, scary, hatred of intelligence politics.

Why does the Republican party always try to appeal to the worst of us and not the best of us?

Of course, maybe if the chattering class would just ignore these crazy's the issue would go the way of Tri-lateral Commission trying to take over the government, oh wait that fear has been around since the 50's and supported by the Birthers.

Are we doomed?

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