Wednesday, May 31, 2017

OMG - Obama's Buy Home in DC

Former President Barack Obama and his wife have decided to buy the sprawling Tudor style home  built in 1928 they have been renting since they left office in January.  They originally rented it so they would not have to uproot their youngest daughter from high school.  Or that is what they said.  Now that they have decided to stay in DC, what could they be up to?
  • They just like DC because it is a majority African American population (you know they hate white people)
  • It's a big house that sits up on a hill so they can sit on their porch and look down their noses on the neighbors
  • It is around the corner from Ivanka & Comrade Jerod and they want to spy on them.
  • They figure when Michelle runs for President in 2020 the move won't be that difficult back into the White House (which they will rename the Black House)
  • They are planning a coup with all those liberal generals and it will just be easier if they stay in town
Why else would they buy a home in DC?


  1. This is a non-story, any comment on the face of liberal punditry Kathy Griffen's recent fall from grace?

    1. Were you upset when Ted Nugent called for Obama's murder?

    2. Uncle Ted is an American Icon he can say and do as he pleases, Kathy G is an enemy combatant who lives up to all the ginger stereotypes.

    3. That response shows us all how silly you are.

  2. I noticed the first thing they did was build a 10 foot high wall with a bunch of security cameras all around. Think they asked the border patrol and ICE to keep an eye on things?

    1. Wow! That makes no sense at all - but I am sure you felt oh so clever posting it - and so brave too. Anonymous people are so courageous and patriotic

  3. Why the apostrophe in Obamas in your title?

  4. Barrack is "Hussein" in the brain, he now prays 4 times daily east towards Mecca and is scheming on ways to spread ISIS to the west.

    1. another tedious and predictable comment by a coward

  5. Has Donnie been hiding in his "safe space" trying to avoid "triggering" material about current events that might actually make him "woke"?

    Drowning in a bathtub of Gin is no way to lead the "resistance" Fladimir, get off your perpetually sore and whistling keister and blog about the #POTUS who has been making some pretty big deals lately and continuing to #DTS


    1. I decided that someone who uses a sad and silly fake name is not worthy of my intellect and response -
