Thursday, June 4, 2009

One hand clapping

The time has come to admit to one and all that Rush Limbaugh is a failure and does not deserve all the attention he is getting. Yes, he is the top talker in conservative radio, and we all know that means a great deal in the grand story that is our world. Other than that he has failed and continues to fail now. Some examples
  • Bush 41 was not re-elected
  • Bill Clinton served two terms and is viewed by most to be a successful president - he could have won a third term, thus saving us from W.
  • Called Chelsea Clinton a dog when she was just a child
  • Failed to stop Clinton Supreme Court picks
  • Failed to convince people that Al Gore is wrong about climate change
  • Still supports Bush on the war of choice on Iraq - most of us have seen the light
  • Failed to save Little Ricky Santorum and Sen Maccaca
  • Failed in mocking Michael J. Fox
  • Failed in trying to force Powell from the GOP, in fact he help restore Powell's luster
  • Defends Dick Cheney - other than David Duke the least liked person in American politics
  • Tried to convince us Sarah Palin was a good choice for VP
  • Failed to disrupt the Democratic presidential primary last year
  • President Obama
  • Failed to stop the stimulus package
  • Failed to stop Hillary from becoming Sec. of State
  • Failed to stop any Obama appointment
  • Failed to look and sound stupid when hoping for the president to fail, calling Sotomayor a racist, saying the president to doing Al Queda job for them

I could go on and on but you get the point. Rush now needs to fail to get all the free press he is getting. The TV talkers need to ignore him and I bet if they do he will become so needy and desperate for the attention he is addicted to he will say something so outrageous he will be driven from the national stage just like Michael Savage.

So I am calling on Mika & Joe, Keith, Wolf, Anderson, Rachel, Ed, George, Bill, Larry and all the rest of you top talkers on the right, left and center to ignore him, allow him to have his ditto heads and nothing else. I know it will be hard during those slow news days but please oh please try. The best thing you can do for any addict is to cut him or her off from what they crave the most.

Then the only clapping he will here will be that of his own hand.

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