Thursday, June 11, 2009

Right is wrong

I know I wrote that I would not mention him anymore. But, My God!
He claims the the most recent right wing murderer was really acting on behalf of the left and just yesterday questioned if the President was born in the U S. If you watch the video of these most recent sick rants you would swear the junky radio host was back to his old ways. Maybe he needs another Viagra vacation to the Domincan Republic to calm down.

But, here is the real problem with the right wing top talkers, The are upset and hurt that the American people in record numbers over the last two elections have rejected thier sick, cynical, and negative vision of this great county. They believe, because they get the best ratings on talk radio (wow) that they actually speak for the American people. They don't realize when placed against the actual population of this great country, their audience is really quite small.
They really believe the are the heirs to Ronald Reagan. When in reality Bill Clinton was more like Ronald Reagan than either of the Bush men. Go back and look at the Reagan record and you will find that it really does not match the memories of a man who believed in small government.


  1. You're not going to believe this but I was just talkingsay to Steve at dinner Wed. night that the present day republicans are nothing like Ronald Reagan...and that they are sadly mistaken if they think they are. Jeannette

  2. True - but their memory of Reagan as a small government advocate is not true. The rate of government growth and spending was higher under Reagan than Jimmy Carter
