Thursday, August 6, 2009

Welcome Justice Sotomayor

Congratulations to Judge Sonia Sotomayor, very shortly she will be introduced as Madam Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Everyone of those Senators who lowered to the occasion and voted against her will be required to address her as Madam Justice. It is proper protocol and Senator's are hung up on protocol. I would love to be in the room when Sen. Little Jeff Sessions and Madam Justice meet at a social event.

Justice Sotomayor was confirmed with the support of only 9 Republicans and I am certain that none of these negative vote were truly a vote of conscience. If these guys truly looked deep into their souls and voted his conscience she would have had close to 80 votes.

These out of touch white men of privilege voted out of fear of their narrow base, their desire too please the the Birthers, the Insurance company funded town hall protesters and the Teabaggers. They are scared to death of alienating the Junky Radio Host and his followers.

If they truly believed in this 230+ year experiment in government by, of and for the people they would have voted for Sonia Sotomayor. But, instead they allowed the petty self interest of gaining campaign contributions from those listed in the paragraph above to come first and the needs of the country to come in somewhere far down the list.

Welcome to SCOTUS Justice Sotomayor, our thoughts and prayers are with you as to take on this new challenge to further the vision and ideal that is the United States of America. I rest some of my hopes for the future of our nation on your Wise Latina shoulders. I am convinced that our nation will be better off for your service on the High Court.

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