Friday, November 15, 2013

No More Passes For Alec Baldwin

I am a big fan of Alex Baldwin and I think his MSNBC show is at times compelling.

We all know he hates the celebrity part of being famous.

But,  if this is true  he may have lost his last chance with me.

Anderson Cooper has taken to Twitter to express that he has had enough.

He is reported to have called a photographer a "Cock sucking faggot".

According to Alec Baldwin being gay and doing what gay men do (sexually) is something to be derided and mocked and an insult.

How many times can we forgive Alec Baldwin?


  1. Let it go, it means nothing: Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Learned that in kindergarten yes?

    1. So we are to just ignore the vile and hateful things people do and say? Words do hurt. He should not be given a pass on this.

      Kindergarten was a long time ago for me but I believe I learned a great deal more than a meaningless simplistic saying.

  2. Like many, many people in that business, he is a good actor and a terrible person. The profession actually attracts that because you have to be very proficient at being a phony to be good at it. Why don't people see this? They keep acting surprised over it.

    1. I think people who agree with his acting and his political leanings hoped for better from him (Myself included) but clearly he has some issues to deal with

  3. You shouldn't knock something until you've tried it, perhaps Alec has in fact performed fellatio and his sense of shame and disgrace cause him to view it negatively. He is an angry man and despite my liberal leanings find Shawn Hannity to be much easier on the eyes.

    1. Thanks Mr. Villanch - I hope you are not referring to me about knocking without trying because I have more than tried I have mastered the art - Even if I did not know Hannity's views he looks like a rat to me and you can have him
