Monday, July 8, 2013

Robbie Rogers Writes A Letter to His 14 Year Old Self

ESPN magazine recently asked a group of top athletes to write a letter to their 14 year old selves.

Below is  a link to the letter American soccer / football star Robbie Rogers wrote to himself.  Rogers played soccer in England for most if his career, he was injured last season and retired. Upon retiring he announced that he was gay.  He recovered from his injuries and was offered an opportunity to return home and play for the Los Angeles Galaxy.

I stayed up late that night to watch the moment when Mr. Rogers would take the field.  The camera panned to the sidelines, his replacing another player was announced and the crowd went wild.  He was greeted with a thunderous standing ovation and play was delayed for a few minutes.  I sat here alone on the futon crying.  It was another moment that I thought I would never live to see.

When he took the field last month he became the first openly gay American professional athlete to play in a game.  Another glass ceiling was broken,

Robbie Rogers first steps onto the pitch were further steps towards a more perfect union and a better nation.

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